Facade Pattern

The Facade design pattern is a structural design pattern that provides a simplified interface to a complex system of classes, objects, or subsystems. It acts as a unified interface that hides the complexities of the underlying system and provides a higher-level, easier-to-use interface for the client code.

This can be particularly useful when dealing with large or intricate systems, as it promotes loose coupling and separation of concerns.

Key Participants in the Facade Pattern:

  • Facade: This is the central class of the pattern, acting as an entry point for client code. It knows which subsystem classes are responsible for a particular request and delegates the client’s request to the appropriate objects within the subsystem. The facade does not perform any significant work itself; its primary purpose is to simplify and coordinate interactions.

  • Subsystem Classes: These are the classes or components that make up the complex system. They are responsible for carrying out specific tasks or providing specific functionality. The subsystem classes are not directly accessible to the client code; instead, the facade mediates the interactions between the client and the subsystem.

  class Client {

  class Facade {

  class Subsystem1 {

  class Subsystem2 {

  class Subsystem3 {

  Client --> Facade
  Facade --> Subsystem1
  Facade --> Subsystem2
  Facade --> Subsystem3


Multimedia Converter

  class Client {

  class MultimediaConverter {
    -audioProcessor: AudioProcessor
    -videoProcessor: VideoProcessor
    -fileConverter: FileConverter
    +convertAudio(input: String, outputFormat: String)
    +convertVideo(input: String, outputFormat: String)

  class AudioProcessor {
    +processAudio(input: String, outputFormat: String)

  class VideoProcessor {
    +processVideo(input: String, outputFormat: String)

  class FileConverter {
    +convertFile(input: String, outputFormat: String)

  Client --> MultimediaConverter
  MultimediaConverter --> AudioProcessor
  MultimediaConverter --> VideoProcessor
  MultimediaConverter --> FileConverter