Bubble Sort

Bubble sort is a simple comparison-based sorting algorithm. It works by repeatedly swapping adjacent elements if they are in the wrong order. The pass through the list is repeated until the list is sorted.


Consider a sample array: [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]:

graph LR
    A[5] --> B[4]
    B --> C[3]
    C --> D[2]
    D --> E[1]

Now, let’s go through one pass of the bubble sort algorithm:

graph LR
    A[5] --> B[4]
    B --> C[3]
    C --> D[2]
    D --> E[1]

    style A fill: #4287f5
    style B fill: #4287f5
graph LR
    A[4] --> B[5]
    B --> C[3]
    C --> D[2]
    D --> E[1]

    style B fill: #4287f5
    style C fill: #4287f5
graph LR
    A[4] --> B[3]
    B --> C[5]
    C --> D[2]
    D --> E[1]

    style C fill: #4287f5
    style D fill: #4287f5
graph LR
    A[4] --> B[3]
    B --> C[2]
    C --> D[5]
    D --> E[1]

    style D fill: #4287f5
    style E fill: #4287f5

After the first pass:

graph LR
    A[4] --> B[3]
    B --> C[2]
    C --> D[1]
    D --> E[5]

    style E fill: green

After the second pass:

graph LR
    A[3] --> B[2]
    B --> C[1]
    C --> D[4]
    D --> E[5]

    style D fill: green
    style E fill: green

After the third pass:

graph LR
    A[2] --> B[1]
    B --> C[3]
    C --> D[4]
    D --> E[5]

    style C fill: green
    style D fill: green
    style E fill: green

After the fourth pass:

graph LR
    A[1] --> B[2]
    B --> C[3]
    C --> D[4]
    D --> E[5]

    style B fill: green
    style C fill: green
    style D fill: green
    style E fill: green

After the fifth pass (final pass):

graph LR
    A[1] --> B[2]
    B --> C[3]
    C --> D[4]
    D --> E[5]

    style A fill: green
    style B fill: green
    style C fill: green
    style D fill: green
    style E fill: green

Flow chart

graph TB
  A[Start] --> B1((i=0, j=0))
  B1 --> B2{j < n-i-1}
  B2 -->|Yes| B3("Swap if arr[j] > arr[j+1]")
  B2 -->|No| B4(Increment j)
  B3 --> B4
  B4 -->|j < n-i-1| B2
  B4 -->|j = n-i-1| B5(Increment i, Reset j)
  B5 -->|i < n-1| B1
  B5 -->|i = n-1| C[End]


These implementations use an optimized version of the Bubble Sort algorithm with a flag (swapped) that helps break out of the loop early if the array is already sorted. This reduces the time complexity in cases where the array is mostly sorted.

Complexity Analysis

For the optimized Bubble Sort implementation:

Time Complexity

  • Worst-case Time Complexity: O(n^2)
  • Best-case Time Complexity: O(n)
  • Average-case Time Complexity: O(n^2)

Space Complexity

  • Space Complexity: O(1)